Photography Contest
Saturday, October 18, 2025
Enter your Photographs in the 2025 MSAHF Photography Contest
at the Berkeley County Youth Fair Grounds in Martinsburg, WV.
Photographs will be accepted from 8a.m. to 9a.m Saturday, Oct. 18th with judging
occurring from 9a.m. to 10a.m. Decisions of the judges will be final.
Open to the public—amateur and/or professionals can compete. Submit a framed, ready to
hang free standing 8” X 10” picture of an apple, apples, orchard, tree, trees, etc. Actual
picture is to be 8” X 10”. Framing may NOT exceed 16” X 20”.
2 Classes with winners in each class.
-Winning pictures will be published in the 2026 MSAHF Souvenir Program.
-$10 Entry Fee for each picture entered.
-First place winners must provide digital medium of their photograph to receive their awards.
Entry Form Available Here Soon!